Alex’s Blog
Sticker Shock Over EMDR Intensive Therapy
These are really hard times for most people financially. We try to cut corners and budget as much as possible to continue providing for our families in the best way possible.
What Makes EMDR Intensives Special?
Many people are now realizing the importance of mental health care. It has always been vital, but due to the pandemic and world events, awareness around mental health is more abundant.
Setting The Record Straight About EMDR Therapy
Just like with anything else these days, it's important to separate fact from fiction. This is especially true when it comes to topics surrounding mental health.
EMDR Is Not Just For PTSD Or Trauma
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing(EMDR) is one of the most effective ways to help someone heal from traumatic events or memories.
Three Ways to Manage Your Mental Health
I am excited to feature my first guest blog, which was written by Rebecca Reese. Rebecca is a lifestyle blogger and a philosophy student from Bournemouth in the UK. =
Is Happiness A Choice?
The key to happiness has been disputed throughout history, though it is often overthought: “Is it family, is it love, is it money?” But what if it was just a decision you could make?
Irrational Thoughts, Fear & Anxiety
I have been working with people that all have different concerns, and are going through different stages in their lives. I noticed lately a theme that is often a byproduct of underlying issues: irrational thinking.
Going on With Life Amidst COVID-19/Coronavirus Outbreak
If you are reading this, you very likely noticed some serious and concerning changes around you.
Living With Chronic Illness Or Disabling Condition
We often take our lives and abilities for granted without realizing that things can change quickly, and life as we once knew it may never be the same.
Self-Authenticity – Being Genuine
It’s often difficult to find our place in this world, understanding how we fit in, and figuring out what our path in life is.
What Does Depression Feel Like?
This blog is written from the perspective of a person who struggles with depression. But my hope is that this blog can also be helpful to people who don’t have depressive symptoms, to gain a better understanding and be more compassionate and helpful to people around them struggling with this debilitating condition.
Sleeping Isn’t a Luxury
We live in a busy and demanding word, which often leads to us to not getting enough sleep because we are caught up in all the things we are trying to get accomplished during the day. This means that we instead often concentrate on our awake hours to make sure we are productive and make the best use of our time.
Thinking of a Career Change?
Are you happy and fulfilled with your job? Do you enjoy going to work? Do you feel valued for what you do? Are you passionate about your work?
Increase Your Self-Confidence
Self-confidence allows us to believe in our abilities and trust our own thoughts. It generally also means that we trust our own judgment. Self-confidence is strongly tied to one’s belief of being respected by others.
Marriage - Partnership for Life
“I love you”. Three words couples say on a daily basis. You didn’t start the relationship saying those words. The love developed and deepened as your relationship grew. You spent time getting to know each other; your likes and dislikes.
Genuine Friendships
Close your eyes and picture your most supportive friend? Can’t picture anyone? Maybe the only person coming to mind is whose phone call you avoid or who you avoid calling with any kind of news good or bad.
Boundaries in the Workplace
So here you are at work, it’s Monday again. A fresh start to your work-week. You review what is due for the week and what you need to follow up on. You feel like you are on top of it all then a co-worker or supervisor stops by your desk.
Recognizing Suicidal Thoughts
Because mental illness is often seen as an invisible illness the signs often go unnoticed by friends, family and co-workers. Often people in desperate need of support and help, are also great in putting on a show of the prefect life without any problems.
Bullying in the Work Place
Did you know that bullying doesn’t just happen in the school yard? According to research by Dr. Judy Blando almost 75% of employees surveyed have been affected by workplace bullying; either as a target or a witness
There are many ways to practice Self-Advocacy and today I am going to discuss two of them. One will focus on the Mental Health side and the other will focus on making desired improvements in your life.