Self-Authenticity – Being Genuine

Self-Authenticity – Being Genuine

It’s often difficult to find our place in this world, understanding how we fit in, and figuring out what our path in life is. To make things more complicated we are trying to overcome self-doubt, trying to meet societal expectations, have been nurtured with cultural anticipations, and been riddled with criticism from others, all which hinders us to find our true self and reach our full genuine potential.

But how do we navigate through all of the barriers to become comfortable in our own skin, comfortable with our own views, and being genuine with others as well as with ourselves?  How is it possible for people reaching that level of confidence that isn’t cocky nor narcissistic, but at the same time doesn’t bend when other people trying to challenge us? 

The truth is that becoming who we want to be takes some time and work for most people.  Many of us grow with our life experiences, which matures us as we get older. We make mistakes and learn through trial and error how to best navigate through life.  Of course there are some people that already at a young age appear very confident in their own skin.  However, most people keep changing, developing, and adapting as we keep going through different stages in our lives.

While we always keep evolving, it is important to find our own identity, self-authenticity, a genuity of who we truly are, or in other words being comfortable in our skin without having to pretend or trying to fit in, or having to live up to certain expectations. There are a few things that genuine people share that insecure people, or people who doubt themselves are lacking. If we can integrate these values, we likely will see some changes in our feelings of self-worth and how we are perceived by others.  It is very doubtful that these principles can all be instilled overnight, however awareness of these values and striving to incorporate these beliefs can help us setting the path to become more self-authentic.

Values of Genuine People

  • Having assembled a strong set moral and ethical standards

  • Not worrying about having to agree with everyone; it’s okay to have different opinion from others

  • Having found a higher consciousness about the meaning of life

  • Not allowing meaningless things to become distractions

  • Spending time with people that have similar beliefs, humor and outlook on life

  • Not trying to be everyone’s friend, but being respectful to others at all times

  • Being open minded and respectful to others belief systems, but unwavered to change without validity

  • Own up to own up to mistakes and make corrections

  • Ability to apologize when wrong

  • Being modest about accomplishments

  • Willingness to help others to better themselves and help others to grow

  • Open to learn new things and continue to grow

  • Not giving up when failing, but instead keep on trying

  • Seeing difficulties as challenges that allows for growth

  • Not using shortcuts, but instead doing things the right way

  • Ability to understand it’s never too late to make changes

  • Living a mindful life without pondering over the past

  • Willingness to offer assistance to others when needed without wanting anything in return

  • Focus on the positive things in life

  • Understanding that certain things in life are outside of our control and focusing on what can be controlled

  • Willingness to accept help when needed

  • Emphasis on relationships and experiences versus materialistic possessions

  • Unapologetically being self-authentic

Food for Thought

Once we are true to ourselves, we can live life to the fullest and enjoy what life has to offer.  While we can’t become overnight genuine, we can make small changes that might allow us to become more comfortable in our own skin. Once we are more comfortable with ourselves, our self-confidence will increase and we will be able to reach a higher level of living life happily. 

Thanks for reading my blog! If you are struggling to live your life to the fullest, depression therapy can help you see the potential in what you can do. Reach out to me soon to get started.


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