Alex’s Blog
Is Happiness A Choice?
The key to happiness has been disputed throughout history, though it is often overthought: “Is it family, is it love, is it money?” But what if it was just a decision you could make?
Going on With Life Amidst COVID-19/Coronavirus Outbreak
If you are reading this, you very likely noticed some serious and concerning changes around you.
Self-Authenticity – Being Genuine
It’s often difficult to find our place in this world, understanding how we fit in, and figuring out what our path in life is.
What Does Depression Feel Like?
This blog is written from the perspective of a person who struggles with depression. But my hope is that this blog can also be helpful to people who don’t have depressive symptoms, to gain a better understanding and be more compassionate and helpful to people around them struggling with this debilitating condition.
Increase Your Self-Confidence
Self-confidence allows us to believe in our abilities and trust our own thoughts. It generally also means that we trust our own judgment. Self-confidence is strongly tied to one’s belief of being respected by others.
Recognizing Suicidal Thoughts
Because mental illness is often seen as an invisible illness the signs often go unnoticed by friends, family and co-workers. Often people in desperate need of support and help, are also great in putting on a show of the prefect life without any problems.
Try These Self-Care Strategies to Manage Your Depression
Depression doesn’t take it easy and depression doesn’t play nice. It doesn’t care that it hurts your feelings or keeps you away from the people that care about you.
You Are Not Alone
It's 2019, yet there is still a stigma about mental health issues. People are feeling ashamed and guilty about having depression, anxiety or other emotional distress.