Thinking of a Career Change?
Are You in The Right Job?
Are you happy and fulfilled with your job? Do you enjoy going to work? Do you feel valued for what you do? Are you passionate about your work?
If the answer is yes, you are very lucky and blessed. After all, most of us spend a significant amount of time at work. In fact, sometimes we spend more time at work than at home or with our loved ones. Therefore, it would be important that we actually feel good about our work. However, many people go to work every day, stuck in jobs they aren’t happy with.
Change Is Possible
It doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t need to stay in an unfulfilling job, you don’t need to be frustrated and stressed in an overwhelming job. You don’t need to keep answering to your miserable boss that has it out for you. You can choose to make changes; you have the power in which direction you take your next career move. Maybe you are ready to elevate to the next level and you are looking how to advance yourself. Or maybe you are considering to start a business on your own and become self-employed. Nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it.
Changes Are Difficult
Making changes is scary, as this would mean leaving your comfort zone. We go to work to pay our bills, hence leaving a secure job brings the uncertainty of our income being affected. Also, it might be intimidating starting a new career and learning something unfamiliar and new. But if you are stuck in a rut, if you are unsatisfied, frustrated, bored, or even angry about your situation, maybe it’s time to reevaluate where you are in your life, and what you can do to make changes that will meet up with your goals and desires.
Why Not Move Forward?
What is holding you back? What are your fears? What do you want to do with the rest of your life? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? All of these questions likely involve not only your personal life, but also your work. We often don’t realize how important it is to feel satisfied, happy, and fulfilled in our jobs.
Change Can Be Good and Sometimes is Necessary
Making changes is often also necessary due to our mental health being affected negatively, which in turn can affect our daily functioning. Often when people are stuck in jobs that they aren’t happy with they maybe experience some form of depression and/or anxiety. This can at the smallest form, just be situational, but it can also lead to major depressive episodes, same as anxiousness can led to serious anxiety and having panic attacks. Once our mental health is affected, it can trigger other health issues as well. In addition, beign unhappy at work often bleeds into our personal lives and can affect our relationships with family members and friends. If you get easily angry at home because your work stress is getting to you, you might need to consider if you are in the right job. If you spend too much time at work because of work pressure and deadlines, you might need to consider if that stress is really worth it. If you are burned out, you might have reached the end of your rope. If you are starting to fear going to work, if you feel bitter about your job, and if you been stuck long enough that you become a negative person that nobody wants to be around, you might need to think about if staying at your current job is the best choice for you.
Benefits of Career Counseling/Coaching
The idea of career counseling and career coaching is to give you a perspective of possibilities. This involves brainstorming possible changes that you could implement in your current job, or possibly consider finding new employment, or even entering into a new career field by learning new skills or a trade. You might also consider returning to school, but you aren’t sure what you want to study.
Career counseling will help you to look at all factors that you need to consider such as your current employment, your income status, your family situation, your fears and worries, any barriers you would need to overcome, and how all of these components fit together and how you can best move forward meeting your goals. The idea is to make sense of all of it, coming up with a plan, getting unstuck, moving forward, and get you to the place you want to be. You can also benefit from your counselor/coach keeping you motivated, cheering you on, building up your confidence, and making sure you are smoothly and successfully transition into towards your chosen career path.
Another important factor of career coaching is to discuss what is realistic and what is not. Having an honest conversation with your counselor avoids setting yourself up for failure. Your strengths, abilities, interests are evaluated alongside your weaknesses and limitations. Your current situation and financial status, which all may affect your ability to enter into a new career field, are all carefully evaluated in order to help you discover the most successful pathway to your new career.
Contact Me for Services
If you are ready to speak to me about career coaching, please contact me. I enjoy helping you find your new career, or help you better manage your current job, or advance to the next level. I can guide you through the path that will get you there. I have many years of experience of vocational counseling, I understand the local labor market, and I understand what it takes to make a serious change in your life. I have gone through a complete career change myself and know from my own experience how difficult it can be to navigate through all of this on your own. As a therapist I also understand the unique challenges of dealing with anxiety and/or depression issues you may have developed because of work. Hence, my service is coming from a holistic perspective, as I am trying to address all different aspects of your life that are affecting your personal and work life.
I offer online career counseling and coaching as well. If you are reading this and are interested in career coaching services outside of Texas, I can possibly provide you with some resources to find a career coach/counselor in your area. Let’s connect so I can show you how to feel more prepared in this next stage of a life transition.
Alexandra Lambeth, LPC