Alex’s Blog
Coping with Stress and Anxiety in a Busy World
As adults we all encounter stress and anxiety; either at the work place or at home, sometimes both. We feel stress emotionally and physically, weighing us down. Anxiety will hit you suddenly and at times it comes in waves.
Managing Major Life Changes: How to Get the Support You Need
With change often comes a sense of loss and a measure of uncertainty. This can be scary and tough to navigate emotionally.
Feeling Burned Out? 6 Tips to Help You Overcome Overwhelm
Burnout is serious. It isn’t just being overworked or stressed out. It isn’t trying to rein things in or get back on top of a mountain of responsibilities.
Working Professionals In High Pressure Jobs - The Struggle Is Real!
Many working professionals are under constant pressure, have tight deadlines, have to make difficult decisions, need to solve tough problems, and their job performance is under continuous scrutiny.
Try These Self-Care Strategies to Manage Your Depression
Depression doesn’t take it easy and depression doesn’t play nice. It doesn’t care that it hurts your feelings or keeps you away from the people that care about you.
Signs You’re Suffering from High-Functioning Anxiety (& What to Do About It)
Anxiety happens. Some manage it well. Some struggle.
Political Mindfulness
I wanted to take some time and talk about political disagreements, which we have plenty going on in our country right now.
You Are Not Alone
It's 2019, yet there is still a stigma about mental health issues. People are feeling ashamed and guilty about having depression, anxiety or other emotional distress.