Signs You’re Suffering from High-Functioning Anxiety (& What to Do About It)
Anxiety happens.
Some manage it well. Some struggle.
And some struggle but manage to hide it well. Sometimes even from themselves.
The latter group often suffer from high-functioning anxiety. While not yet a recognized anxiety disorder, its presence is recognizable and can be difficult for the sufferer to manage.
Think of anxiety as an engine of worry and nervous energy pushing them forward rather than an anchor of fear and avoidance holding them back.
The effect of an anxious mind and roiling internal experience, coupled with an unreadable or even calm external affect can keep the sufferer stuck. Though they can accomplish much, the inner toll is often taxing to the body and mind.
Do you think you might struggle this way or suspect a loved one may live with high-functioning anxiety?
Let’s consider the following:
Signs You’re Suffering from High-functioning Anxiety
1. Your Body Works Hard To Achieve Balance
The mind-body relationship is disrupted. Trying to appear calm when you’re internally upset creates a constant tension in you.
You may wrestle with cramping muscles and achy limbs. Unexplained aches or pains may seem to routinely come and go. Digestive trouble, migraines, and chronic pain may become a part of life as well. If the anxiety is untreated, it can wear down your immune system too.
Tuning in to your physical responses is a good way to tell whether anxiety might be finding release another way.
2. You are Always Employee of the Month
You likely have a shelf full of "good job" plaques and congratulatory trophies. Ask anyone: they will run down your admirable qualities.
Basically, you are punctual, organized, and proactive and reliable.Thus, your penchant for overachievement in a well-ordered, well-mannered way earns you accolades. But inside you know that you work this way, not because you prefer it, but because you are too scared to try anything else.
3. Your "Type A" Perfectionism is Isolating
You feel uneasy if you aren’t in control. Unfortunately, your need for control often keeps people at arm's length. Moreover, your unrelenting standards take a toll on interactions at work and in your personal life.
Sometimes you can read cold and dispassionate to others, though, inside, you long to connect more authentically. Other times in relationships you can become far too needy, loyal, and insecure, demanding reassurance and guarantees of a future.
4. Worry Runs Your World
Your anxiety hems you in. Despite the success you achieve in your comfortable routine, you rarely venture out of it. Where you go and what you do are not choices as much as reactions to your anxious thoughts.Your busyness and seeming go-getter persona just help manage the nerves and internal chatter. They don’t represent your goals and dreams.
4. Sleep Deprivation is Making Everything Worse
Sleep doesn’t come easy when you have high-functioning anxiety. Your mental state keeps you going over things in your head when you should be resting.
Insomnia and disrupted sleep are not uncommon. The resulting irritability, jitteriness, and physical ailments make pretending that everything is fine that much more difficult and demanding.
What to Do About High-Functioning Anxiety
Managing high-functioning anxiety may feel impossible now. But with commitment and support, you can live a happier and more authentic life without sacrificing your hard work and accomplishments.
Consider these ways to move forward in a healthier way:
Equip yourself for change. Learn about anxiety disorder and become as aware as possible about the signs, behaviors, and triggers of anxiety. You will feel more empowered and in control of your reactions if you understand how you are affected.
2. Accept Yourself without Judgment
Resist avoidance and the tendency to beat yourself up. Give yourself permission to let anxiety ebb and flow. Learn to recognize anxious thoughts as they happen without letting them drive your behavior or perspective.
3. Share your Struggle
Because you appear successful, you may resist sharing how much worry affects you.
Keeping your secret doesn't make you less anxious it simply keeps you isolated from enriching, supportive relationships.
Allow yourself, the relief of lessened pressure and the opportunity to receive help and comfort via loved ones, a support group, or professional counseling.
4. Seek a Healthier Balance
Perfection is a mirage. You won’t find at work, in your relationships, or in yourself. Seek balance instead. Allow time a space for your personal needs and self-care. Create space and time for family gatherings and hospitality. Let uncertainty and unpredictability in from time to time. When anxiety rises, be patient with yourself and ride it out. You will feel more capable and powerful with every small victory.
5. Listen to Yourself
What are your mind and body telling you? Check and challenge your anxious thoughts. Ground yourself when you feel out of control. Breathe, slow down, pay attention to your self-talk.
Slowly take control of your mind and body. Remind yourself often that you have the right to live and thrive without anxiety.
Take the First Step Toward Relief
If you suspect you're struggling with high-functioning anxiety and you’re ready to take the next step in resolving those issues, I would like to help. Please contact me to discuss how we can work towards helping you find relief and peace of mind. Learn more about anxiety counseling here.